Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Course Update

Thank you to the Charlottesville Home School community for all your calls and emails.  Many families have shown interest in the courses I have proposed for the fall.  As of now, I am attempting to create an integrated science and math block with a colleague who wishes to teach the science portion.  Our biggest challenge is to determine a location where we can teach our courses simultaneously, and having 2 different levels of instruction.  The largest contingent of interested families seem to fall in the Pre-Algebra and Algebra I levels, although I haven't ruled out any courses yet.

My next challenge is to figure out a schedule that works for the families enrolled.  To provide maximum flexibility for travel and other family matters, I am proposing to hold classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for the weeks ranging between Labor Day and Memorial Day, with several breaks planned throughout the school year.  Time and location are still to be determined based upon whether we are able to make the science portion work. 

The cost for the courses will be inline with what a 3-credit Community College course costs with the price per hour ranging from $7 to $10, depending upon how many students are enrolled.   The ideal class size is 8-10 students, but I will teach as few as 5. 

I encourage anyone with questions to contact me directly.  I'm very excited to begin a new chapter in my teaching!