Thursday, October 27, 2011

Homework for October 27th

Algebra I:
1) Complete Chapters 2 & 3 Test
2) Pages 140-141 #'s 13-33 odd, 34, 35

1) Pages 96-97 #'s 13-43 odd. Show all steps and check your solutions.

REMINDER: Candy corn estimation guesses are due by Monday.

Enjoy your weekend and have a safe and fun Halloween!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homework for October 25th

Algebra I:
1) Page 119 #'s 16-34 even
2) Page 124 #'s 12-30 even

1) Pages 93-94 #'s 15-47 odd
Show all the steps and check your solutions.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Homework for October 20th

Algebra I:

1)      Pages 124-125 #’s 13-43 odd, 38, 40

2)      Finish Chapter Review Pages 126-128 #’s 1-53 odd



1)      Chapter 2 Test

2)      Page 91 #’s 11-31 odd.  Show all steps and check your solutions.


Have a fantastic weekend and GO CARDS!!!  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homework for October 18th

Algebra I:
1) Page 119 #'s 13-39 odd
2) Start Chapter Review due Thursday, Pages 126-128 #'$ 1-53 odd

1) Pages 77-78 #'s 15-47 odd
2) Page 81 #'s 3-12 all
3) Chapter Test Page 84 #'s 1-21 odd; 22-30 all

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Homework for October 13th

Algebra I:
1) Pages 109-110 #'s 7-15 all
2) Pages 114-115 #'s 15-41 odd, 38

Pre Algebra:
1) Pages 74-75 #'s 3-49 odd
2) Adding & Subtracting integers worksheet.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Homework for October 12th

Algebra I:
Solving Equations Worksheet - Complete the circled problems. Show your work and check your solutions!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Homework for October 11th

Algebra I:
1) Pages 83-84 #'s 21-53 odd
2) Pages 86-87 #'s 11-18 all

1) Test Corrections
2) P. 64 #'s 9-37 odd
3) P. 68 #'s 21-57 odd

Friday, October 7, 2011

Homework from October 6th

Algebra I:
PP. 77-78 #'s 9-53 odd

1) P. 58 #'s 9-27 all
2) PP. 61-62 #'s 13-49 odd

Have a great weekend!

Estimation for October

Estimation guesses for October are due by October 31st. Good luck!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Estimation for September

Reminder to all students that the estimation guesses for the number of M&Ms in the estimation jar are due to me before class tomorrow (Tuesday, October 4th).  For those who need a refresher, here's a photo of the jar.  I will bring the same jar filled with different goodies tomorrow, and announce the winner of the M&Ms.  Good luck to all!