Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homework for December 15th

Algebra I:
1) Worksheet 5-6 all problems
2) Page 565 #'s 17-77 every other odd.

1) Page 148 #'s 13-53 odd
2) Page 595 Set 3A #'s 1-17 odd
3) Page 596 Set 3C #'s 1-21 odd.

Have a relaxing and fun vacation but don't forget everything I taught you over the break!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Homework for December 13th

Algebra I:
Finish the assignment from last Thursday.

Pages 144-145 #'s 17-53 odd.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Homework for December 8th

Algebra I:
1) Pages 202-203 #'s 17-51 odd.
2) Chapter 5 Test Page 207 #'s 1-25 odd

1) Page 142 #'s 15-47 odd
2) Page 160 #'s 19-25 all.

Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homework for December 7th

Algebra I:
1) Page 189 #'s 14, 15, 17, 21, 27, 29, 39,41
2) Pages 197-198 #'s 15-41 every other odd.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Estimation for December

Guesses are due at the end of the month. Good luck!

Homework for December 6th

Algebra I:
Class did not meet today. Finish Chapter 4 test and homework on page 189 #'s 11-37 odd.

1) Find all the prime numbers between 1 and 100.
2) Page 138 #'s 15-41 odd.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Homework for November 30th

Algebra I:
1)  Chapter 4 Summary, Pages 170-172, #'s 1-27 odd (minimum)
2)  Page 179 #'s 17-37 every other odd
3)  Page 184 #'s 15-31 every other odd

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homework for November 29th

Algebra I:
1) Optional Worksheet 4-8, odds.
2) Pages 168-169 #'s 15-28 all.

1) Chapter 3 Test, Page 124 #'s 1-33 odd.
2) Pages 129-130 #'s 13-29 all, 37, 39.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Homework for November 17th

Algebra I:
Pages 164-165 #'s 10-32 all

1) Page 118 #'s 9-24 all
2) Page 121 #'s 9-20 all

Have a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homework for November 15th

Algebra I:
Worksheet 4-60 Problems 1-6 all. Set up all problems using a chart, write the equation and solve.

Page 115 #'s 13-45 odd.

Homework for November 15th

Algebra I:
Worksheet 4-6 Problems 1-6 all

Page 115 #'

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10th Homework

Algebra I:
Pages 156-157 #'s 5-20 all

Page 111 #'s 11-33 odd

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Homework for November 3rd

Algebra I:
1) Worksheet on Solving Equations and Simple Interest (both sides of worksheet).
2) Pages 152-153 #'s 3-10 all

1) Set 3A on Page 595 #'s 1-18 all
2) Pages 102-103 #'s 8-24 all
3) Pages 107-108 #'s 11-16 all, 21-27 all
4) Chapter 2 Test Corrections

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Homework for November 1st

Algebra I:
1) Pages 143-144 #'s 3-9 odd, 13-19 all, 21, 25, 26

1) Pages 99-100 #'s 15-37 odd, 46, 47, 48. Show all steps and check your solutions.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Homework for October 27th

Algebra I:
1) Complete Chapters 2 & 3 Test
2) Pages 140-141 #'s 13-33 odd, 34, 35

1) Pages 96-97 #'s 13-43 odd. Show all steps and check your solutions.

REMINDER: Candy corn estimation guesses are due by Monday.

Enjoy your weekend and have a safe and fun Halloween!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homework for October 25th

Algebra I:
1) Page 119 #'s 16-34 even
2) Page 124 #'s 12-30 even

1) Pages 93-94 #'s 15-47 odd
Show all the steps and check your solutions.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Homework for October 20th

Algebra I:

1)      Pages 124-125 #’s 13-43 odd, 38, 40

2)      Finish Chapter Review Pages 126-128 #’s 1-53 odd



1)      Chapter 2 Test

2)      Page 91 #’s 11-31 odd.  Show all steps and check your solutions.


Have a fantastic weekend and GO CARDS!!!  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homework for October 18th

Algebra I:
1) Page 119 #'s 13-39 odd
2) Start Chapter Review due Thursday, Pages 126-128 #'$ 1-53 odd

1) Pages 77-78 #'s 15-47 odd
2) Page 81 #'s 3-12 all
3) Chapter Test Page 84 #'s 1-21 odd; 22-30 all

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Homework for October 13th

Algebra I:
1) Pages 109-110 #'s 7-15 all
2) Pages 114-115 #'s 15-41 odd, 38

Pre Algebra:
1) Pages 74-75 #'s 3-49 odd
2) Adding & Subtracting integers worksheet.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Homework for October 12th

Algebra I:
Solving Equations Worksheet - Complete the circled problems. Show your work and check your solutions!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Homework for October 11th

Algebra I:
1) Pages 83-84 #'s 21-53 odd
2) Pages 86-87 #'s 11-18 all

1) Test Corrections
2) P. 64 #'s 9-37 odd
3) P. 68 #'s 21-57 odd

Friday, October 7, 2011

Homework from October 6th

Algebra I:
PP. 77-78 #'s 9-53 odd

1) P. 58 #'s 9-27 all
2) PP. 61-62 #'s 13-49 odd

Have a great weekend!

Estimation for October

Estimation guesses for October are due by October 31st. Good luck!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Estimation for September

Reminder to all students that the estimation guesses for the number of M&Ms in the estimation jar are due to me before class tomorrow (Tuesday, October 4th).  For those who need a refresher, here's a photo of the jar.  I will bring the same jar filled with different goodies tomorrow, and announce the winner of the M&Ms.  Good luck to all!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Getting Started

Greetings Parents and Students!

We will be getting started on Tuesday, September 6th!  Please check the right hand side of this blog for the newly added "Problem of the Week" pages.  I hope students will take some time to work on these challenging problems throughout the school year and I encourage parents to try them as well. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Course Update

Thank you to the Charlottesville Home School community for all your calls and emails.  Many families have shown interest in the courses I have proposed for the fall.  As of now, I am attempting to create an integrated science and math block with a colleague who wishes to teach the science portion.  Our biggest challenge is to determine a location where we can teach our courses simultaneously, and having 2 different levels of instruction.  The largest contingent of interested families seem to fall in the Pre-Algebra and Algebra I levels, although I haven't ruled out any courses yet.

My next challenge is to figure out a schedule that works for the families enrolled.  To provide maximum flexibility for travel and other family matters, I am proposing to hold classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for the weeks ranging between Labor Day and Memorial Day, with several breaks planned throughout the school year.  Time and location are still to be determined based upon whether we are able to make the science portion work. 

The cost for the courses will be inline with what a 3-credit Community College course costs with the price per hour ranging from $7 to $10, depending upon how many students are enrolled.   The ideal class size is 8-10 students, but I will teach as few as 5. 

I encourage anyone with questions to contact me directly.  I'm very excited to begin a new chapter in my teaching!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fall 2011 Teaching

As the students I have taught over the past 4 years graduate on to higher math, I have decided that I would like to offer the Charlottesville area community an alternative option for their children to learn mathematics.  For the fall of 2011, I am available to teach three courses of mathematics ranging from 6th grade mathematics, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Analytic Geometry, and Algebra II with Trigonometry.

I teach comprehensive mathematics courses using traditional methods and regular attendance and nightly homework is what I expect of my students, because consistent effort and attention to the coursework is what  I have found to be the biggest inputs needed for success and for building confidence.  I do not give grades to my students because I believe that intrinsic motivation, thought process and building of critical thinking is much more important than a score on a test or assignment.  I do want to underscore that regular attendance and completion of nightly homework assignments is mandatory.  Each course will meet three days per week for 1.25 hours of instruction. 

Location is still to be determined as is cost which is dependent upon the number of students per class but would not exceed $10 per hour -- depending upon my family's needs, in-kind barter is also a payment option. I am not overly fixated on ages either, and the ages of the groups will depend upon what classes I teach and the ability of the students entering each course.

Currently I have a few parents and students interested in Algebra I and 6th Grade Mathematics. 

6th Grade Mathematics
* Strong foundation in the basic facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers -- exposure to decimals and place value is also helpful.

* Mastery of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with whole numbers and rational numbers (decimals and fractions).

Algebra I:
*  Mastery of solving one- and multi-step equations with whole and rational numbers. 

Analytic Geometry:

*  Successful completion of Algebra I.

Algebra II/Trig:
*  Completion of Algebra I and Analytic Geometry

Contact Information:
Alice Riccabona
Alice @