Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fall 2011 Teaching

As the students I have taught over the past 4 years graduate on to higher math, I have decided that I would like to offer the Charlottesville area community an alternative option for their children to learn mathematics.  For the fall of 2011, I am available to teach three courses of mathematics ranging from 6th grade mathematics, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Analytic Geometry, and Algebra II with Trigonometry.

I teach comprehensive mathematics courses using traditional methods and regular attendance and nightly homework is what I expect of my students, because consistent effort and attention to the coursework is what  I have found to be the biggest inputs needed for success and for building confidence.  I do not give grades to my students because I believe that intrinsic motivation, thought process and building of critical thinking is much more important than a score on a test or assignment.  I do want to underscore that regular attendance and completion of nightly homework assignments is mandatory.  Each course will meet three days per week for 1.25 hours of instruction. 

Location is still to be determined as is cost which is dependent upon the number of students per class but would not exceed $10 per hour -- depending upon my family's needs, in-kind barter is also a payment option. I am not overly fixated on ages either, and the ages of the groups will depend upon what classes I teach and the ability of the students entering each course.

Currently I have a few parents and students interested in Algebra I and 6th Grade Mathematics. 

6th Grade Mathematics
* Strong foundation in the basic facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers -- exposure to decimals and place value is also helpful.

* Mastery of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with whole numbers and rational numbers (decimals and fractions).

Algebra I:
*  Mastery of solving one- and multi-step equations with whole and rational numbers. 

Analytic Geometry:

*  Successful completion of Algebra I.

Algebra II/Trig:
*  Completion of Algebra I and Analytic Geometry

Contact Information:
Alice Riccabona
Alice @

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