Thursday, September 8, 2016

Today in Class. . . September 8th

Algebra I:

Today we talked about variables and expressions, and translating words into expressions, and vice-versa.  From there we went on to discuss the order of operations.  We also did a quick review of multiplying fractions.

Video Tutorials:
1) Translating words into expressions

2) Order of Operations

FUN GAME - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Order of Operations)
1) Worksheet 1-1 please complete 2-26 even.
2)  Play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (link above) at least once.
3)  Practice Multiplication facts for at least 10 minutes each day on


Today we talked about the order of operations, variables and expressions, and translating words into expressions and vice-versa.

Video Tutorials:
1)  Evaluating Expressions

2) Order of Operations

FUN GAME - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Order of Operations)

1)  Page 17 #'s 17-45 odd (Check answers on page 628)
2)  Page 21 #'s 17-29 odd
3)  Play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (link above) at least once.
4)  Practice Multiplication facts for at least 10 minutes each day on

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